Rabbit Manure Makes A Great Garden Fertilizer

2 comments by David Schulze

Did you know rabbit manure is great for your garden? It won't burn your plants. David is unloading our first 3 bunnies from the rabbit farm, 2 females and a male.

Rabbit manure has many benefits for your garden.Want the best for your garden and looking for an organic fertilizer to pamper your plants? If so, you might want to consider using rabbit manure. Rabbit pellets are organic, odorless and while packed with concentrated nutrients it is not considered “hot." It is considered to be a "cold" fertilizer so you can add it straight to your garden without fear of burning your plants. Rabbit fertilizer has about 2% nitrogen, 1% phosphorus, and 1% potassium.

A doe in her brand new cage, getting ready to eat. It took about a week before the rabbits felt comfortable in their new home. They are air conditioned and quite comfortable.

Why You Should Use Rabbit Manure In Your Garden

Unlike chicken or goat manure, rabbit manure breaks down quickly which means there is little threat of burning the roots of plants. Rabbit manure is rich in potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and other minerals and micro-nutrients. It also contains beneficial elements like magnesium, zinc, and calcium.

Your plants will benefit from the extra nitrogen which helps them produce strong green growth, the phosphorus is great for withstanding stress, root growth, and more and bigger blossoms. Without potassium, plants will not grow. It helps with fruit quality as well as reducing disease.

Rabbit manure from our bunnies has collected into the bucket. All of the water has drained and it is ready to fertilize your garden without burning it.

While it does not need to be composted, rabbit manure is a great addition to your compost pile. It not only improves the life cycle of microorganisms, but your worms will love it. Add your rabbit manure to the compost pile with equal amounts of hay or wood shavings, mix thoroughly and moisten. Cover the pile with a tarp to maintain heat and humidity. Keep adding to your pile with more rabbit manure, grass clippings, and kitchen scraps like fruit, vegetable peels, eggshells and apple cores.

Using rabbit manure is a sure way to supercharge your garden. Whether you use it fresh or composted, there is no fear of harming your plants. It is safe, organic and greatly beneficial for your growing garden.

How Our Rabbit Manure Is Gathered

Note all of the bunny hair that collects on the oil pan tray. They shed like crazy. Also, you can see the 1 inch PVC pipe going out through the wall.

We bought three rabbits to start with, a male and two females. Our rabbits have a brand new, air-conditioned hutch. Rabbits are usually kept in cages designed to allow the manure to fall through the wire onto the floor or ground. We did not want to do that to a nice building. David is using brand new trays for changing oil to prevent this from happening.

Outside of the hutch, 3 buckets with holes drilled in the bottom collect and drain all of the rabbit waste and water, allowing the rabbit manure to be saved for fertilizer.

An oil tray is mounted under each of the three trays so it is like a toilet. The manure collects and then it goes through the hole, down one inch PVC pipes, and out of the hutch wall into a bucket with holes in the bottom outside. We would use some water to wash it all down. It was working great until we bought the bunnies some play toys. They have shred them and got clogged up.

The PVC pipes have been temporarily dismantled. For now, we have buckets inside the hutch collecting the waste. We will be getting two inch PVC pipes and try again. I will update the page when we have it all fixed up again.

The two inch PVC was better but it did not get the job done.  We had to wash down the trays each morning. So we built them a new hutch.

Here you can see the fresh water line that goes to each rabbit so they can drink fresh water. The water bowls are gone. The cages are suspended so our toilet system works.

Since the photos showing water bowls were taken, we now have a water line that goes to each bunny with nipples for them to drink fresh water. David has ordered some mats for their feet that will still allow the rabbit manure to flow through the cage holes.

Go to Planting And Growing Tomatoes

For more information on our bunnies, check out what Mrs. David's Garden Seeds® has to say.


  • dwaymich

    I have rabbit manure in whole pellets and I have rabbit manure that’s been ground up. I have 4 gallon pots of super soil. I was going to mix some pellets into the soil itself and then sprinkle a little bit of ground pellets on top of the soil. Does that sound like a good idea and how much do I use per 4 gallon pot of soil

  • Matt

    Just started using rabbit pellets for our family’s plants. They work better than any other animal based fertilizer I’ve used thus far. No smell, like you say is a great bonus. Our rabbit doesn’t mind one bit either, lol. They green up plants so quickly, it’s amazing! Thanks for the advice.

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