Plants For Sale
From time to time, we have plants for sale, especially during spring and fall planting time. For the spring of 2023, we planted 4,000 tomato plants and we sold almost all of them. The following list is what we have for sale right now. This will be updated as things change.
Citronella - $9.95-$39.95
Chocolate Mint - $6.95
Mints - $4.95-$10.95
Rue aka Ruda - $5.95
Dandelion - $4.95
Dill - $4.95
Basil - $4.95
Epazote - $4.95
Comfrey - $6.95
Chile Pequin - $6.95
Peppers Most Varieties - $5.95
Tomatoes, Large, Potted - $9.95
Rosemary - $4.95
Sage, Common - $4.95
Sage, White - $4.95
Thyme - $5.95
Aloe Vera - $4.95-$9.95
Snake Plants - $4.95-$9.95
Wandering Jews $4.95-19.95