Fall Garden And Rain

by Juanita Schulze
Chickens eating.

 This afternoon, it finally feels a bit like fall in South Central Texas! It is currently Thursday, October 5, 2023 at 4:30pm. The temperature is 77° Fahrenheit instead of 100°, which is awesome. We have had a miserably hot, dry summer and this is the coolest it's been in a very long time. Most of today we have had good, steady rain. It is still very grey but we may be done with the rain for the day. This morning, it was hot and humid when I took Ethel out for her morning potty time. A few days ago, we also had some rain, but not this much.

We got all of our fall planting done this week, most of it yesterday. We even planted some potatoes and sweet potatoes. Our zinnias are still in bloom with new ones coming up since we normally don't get our first frost here in Rossville until the end of November or December. This year, the Almanac says it will be November 22. We shall see.

Nacho and his crew were out here on Tuesday, Wednesday, and today doing various chores on the farm that we do not have time to do. Today they did a lot in the big high tunnel greenhouse, including building new shelves and organizing it.

Two of our female rabbits have been mated. Hopefully it took and we will have some babies before it gets cold.

We have also ordered some chicken freezer camp equipment. None of us has killed a chicken before but the hatchery sent us six roosters when we paid extra for all hens. Six out of 30 is a lot. We gave three roosters away, but no one wants the other three and we already have a rooster. The roosters are 21 weeks old now, probably a bit older than we would have liked but we are going to give the idea of freezer camp a try. If it goes well, we will order some meat birds for the first time next spring.

If you want some garlic in your fall garden, it is time to plant it now. We have six varieties if you want to stop by our Farm Store or if you would rather, you can order it online and we'll ship it to you. Time to go make some dinner for now. Happy Homesteading! --Juanita

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